Everything about modern society can feel like a hurdle to attaining inner peace. Yet, if there’s ever an event that should test our ability to cultivate peace, it’s now.

The coronavirus has recently gripped the world and shaken the foundation of even the most stable economies. Some would call it a ‘black swan event’ where humanity must overcome its biggest challenge in since the Great Depression. Fortunately, we are now more capable than ever of adapting and pulling through, and in reality, anything that is put out of balance corrects itself eventually. This is how homeostasis works.

Now, you may find yourself at home with more time to yourself than you know what to do with as you wait for the world to go back into a state of equilibrium.  If so, this is the perfect time to develop a calm mind.

How to Develop Inner Peace in Tough Situations

1. Practise mindfulness.

Knowing the definition of mindfulness may not always mean you understand it. In its essence, it simply means the ability to focus and be aware of the present moment, including how you feel and what you think, and accepting everything taking place within and outside of you for what they are.

You can practise mindfulness in everything you do—while washing the dishes, sitting down with a loved one, or reading a book. It can be anything at all.

Your head may be swimming with so many feelings and thoughts you’re afraid of confronting. They are sending you a message, and you should listen however uncomfortable it may be.Take time to examine those feelings and let them sink in. Discover what’s behind them and you may finally let go of the heavy feeling you carried inside you for so long.

2. Look at the bright side.

“For every cloud, a silver lining.”

Clichés are overused for a reason: there’s truth in them. While it’s true that knowing and accepting your negative feelings about what is happening around you is a key part of being mindful, you should also be asking yourself: what good is there in this?

If like many others, you’re stuck at home with plenty of time, it may be a great opportunity to invest in yourself. Take a course inimproving your work productivity, creating a website, or even smartphone photography.

3. Declutter.

Clutter is the enemy of an efficiency. It can take many forms: like a pile of dirty laundry, or disorganised files in our computer, or simply our thought process.

If you want to increase the peace in your life, it’s important to free yourself of anything that is cluttering your world and mind.Every day, take at least 5 minutes to declutter something. This is incredibly therapeutic since it reminds you that you are in control. The more you do it, the easier the process.

Also, don’t stop at just decluttering. Simplify. Organise. Do whatever you think will help you feel better about your environment.

4. Focus on what you can control.

Don’t let the news of what is happening around you affect you more than it should. Better yet, reduce your time reading or watching the news. Remember, your life is happening, too.

To find peace, you must practise acceptance and focus on the things which lie within your control. You may not be able to stop the pandemic, but you can contribute to a positive outcome by eliminating non-essential travel, practising social distancing, or simply just focusing on self-improvement while staying at home.

Taking control of your life isn’t just calming but it’s rewarding, as well. You gain a better sense of well-being and security when you feel you have some say in how you live your life, so make it a habit.

5. Cultivate compassion.

Since rarely anyone has things completely under control right now, small acts of kindness matter more today than it ever did in recent memory.Practising altruism does a lot to improve your mental and emotional state during difficult times. It reminds you that regardless of how bad things are, you are still capable of being of service to someone else. This is an incredible feeling.

But don’t forget that compassion also includes self-compassion. We all trip and fall. We all go through setbacks. Yet these are miniscule events when compared to the true potential that lies within us. So instead of listening to your self-critical voice, remind yourself that every struggle and adversity is just a chance to become better. There are no failures; there are only outcomes. And you can always change an outcome by changing your approach.


Achieving inner peace isn’t about stress-avoidance. Quite the contrary, in fact. The most peaceful we can hope to be is when we have examined our situation unprejudiced, unafraid, and fully accepting things as they are.