Your training has lifted my time management to the next level.Lean Coach
More presentations from Priority! Fabulous speaker. Presentation was packed with valuable information and take outs. So many time saving, practical tips. I could have listened all day.2018 Administrative Professionals
This course changed the way I work, transforming my schedule and streamlining my commitments, saving me time and energy, and increasing my productivity. Highly recommend.P-2 Initiatives Officer, NSW Department of Education
Marketing of Training and Assessment Services
We promote our courses and services through course brochures, contact with HR and training managers, referrals from clients and the internet. We represent our training products and services accurately and seek to avoid any inconsistency or ambiguity. Only courses accredited by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) will be identified as such and carry the Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo. The course content and any course prerequisites are outlined on our website and provided to clients and students prior to training. Non-accredited training programs include post-workshop evaluation. Accredited training programs include post-workshop evaluation and assessment. We give clear advice concerning course times, locations and fees.
Client Access
We do not discriminate against anyone who wishes to enrol in our courses. We endeavour to identify any particular needs a student may have through liaison with clients and students. Our staff will respond to any requests for assistance and information efficiently and courteously. Assistance will be provided for people with disabilities or special needs, including language, learning and numeracy (LLN) difficulties that we are made aware of or identify before or during training.
Delivery of Training
Priority Management Australia maintains high standards in the delivery of training so that expected training outcomes are achieved. Our aim is that learning is transferred effectively to the workplace. Flexible learning and assessment procedures are employed including lab and practical exercises, role plays and working in groups. Student participation is encouraged.
Training is delivered in a learning environment and in facilities that are conducive to the safety, comfort and needs of our students and facilitators. All courses are delivered by qualified facilitators. Feedback will be sought, recorded and used to ensure that our training and assessment programs continue to meet clients’ needs and that our standards of service are maintained and improved.
Assessment Procedures
For ASQA-Accredited Courses, students will be assessed as Competent or Not Yet Competent based on their ability to perform the learning outcomes for the course. Our assessment procedures will comply with the National Assessment Standards. Assessment may be through observation, role plays, simulations or the completion of written tasks. Students may choose to prepare an evidence portfolio and/or a work-based project. Where competency is demonstrated, a Statement of Attainment will be issued.
We are happy to assist any student who needs assistance in fulfilling the Assessment criteria. This may involve additional coursework or coaching. The assessor and Training Manager will consult with the student to decide how best to meet their needs. An additional fee may apply.
If a student is not satisfied with an assessment outcome they may appeal and be re-assessed. This is arranged through the Training Manager.
Recognition of Prior Learning and Mutual Recognition of Qualifications
Our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy is available on request.
Recognition of Prior Learning is available for all modules in ASQA-accredited courses. We recognise National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (NVR) qualifications issued by other Registered Training Organisations. Applications for RPL are to be directed to the Training Manager and an Assessment fee apples.
Compliance with Commonwealth and State Legislation
Priority Management Australia comply with all relevant Commonwealth, State and Territory Legislation. In particular we comply with
- Federal Privacy Act 1988
- Work Health and Safety Act 2011
- Federal Racial Discrimination Act 1975
- Federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984
- Federal Disability Discrimination Act 1992
- NSW Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2010
- Federal Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999
Client Records and Privacy
Our Privacy Policy is available on our website. All students are given a copy of our Privacy Policy when they attend a Workshop.
Written permission is obtained before information can be used for any purpose other than student identification or be provided to a Third Party.
As an RTO we are required to securely retain all completed student assessment items for each student for a period of six months from the date on which the judgement of competence for the student was made.
Results of assessment outcomes are forwarded through the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) to ASQA and can be accessed by students using their Unique Student Identifier (USI) numbers.
All records are disposed of through an accredited document destruction provider.
Complaints and Appeals
Our Complaints and Appeals Policy is available on our website.
Any grievance concerning training or assessment will be investigated promptly.
Applications for reassessment must be made within ten working days of the initial assessment.
Each complaint, grievance or appeal is recorded in writing as is the outcome of the investigation. Each appeal is heard by an independent person. Appellants have an opportunity to formally present their case and will be given a written statement of the appeal outcomes, including the reasons for the decision.
Fees, Refunds and Cancellations
Our Fees and Cancellation Policy is available on our website.
The terms and conditions of each course are clearly stated on the Course Booking Form and in information sent out to clients.
ASQA-accredited courses and assessments are GST-free. Non-accredited courses and services will attract GST. This will be clearly stated on the invoice.