Choosing where to work is no longer just about wages, commuting, job security, benefits and company culture.

Increasingly, professionals are searching for career development opportunities; they want the chance to progress and broaden their skills and knowledge. Offering regular corporate training for all your employees attracts top talent and enhances your current team’s capabilities.

Priority Management Australia has been tailoring corporate training to companies’ individual needs for over 40 years. We provide ongoing support for your team’s success through our virtual or in-house training courses to increase performance and productivity and encourage continuous learning and improvement.

What Is Corporate Training?

Corporate training is educational lessons funded by a business for its employees. These training sessions benefit participants and businesses by encouraging upskilling (or reskilling), thereby enhancing efficiency and intellectual capital within teams.

The primary goals of corporate training are to improve performance, boost employee satisfaction and motivation, encourage career development and enhance the company’s competitive advantage.

We asked company leaders about the value they found in our courses and workshops. Here’s what they said:

  • Increased productivity and performance in the workplace
  • A higher Return on Investment
  • Gained tools to reduce stress levels for employees
  • Improved work-life balance and management of mental and physical health
  • Got time back in their day
  • Developed life-changing strategies for adapting to workplace demands

How Corporate Training Can Help Career Development

Soft and people skills should not be forgotten as the corporate world develops into an automated and digital business landscape.

If you want to equip new hires with the same knowledge as their new team, help underperforming employees get back on track, prepare staff members for additional responsibilities, or boost employee satisfaction and engagement in the office environment, we have a training course for you.

Priority Management offers comprehensive and dynamic programs that deliver high-performing outcomes for our customers in the following areas:

  • Leadership skills
  • Communication
  • Project management
  • Computer programs (Excel, PowerPoint, Power BI, Outlook training, MS Projects, OneNote, Teams) and Google apps
  • Presentation skills
  • Meeting management
  • Project planning breakthroughs

Continuous learning and development are necessary in the corporate world. Technology will continue to advance, so staying ahead of the curve is essential for maintaining your organisation’s success and competitive edge in the industry.

At Priority Management, we believe a program completed in one day is insufficient for adequate learning retention. So, we also provide ongoing support through over-the-phone coaching or refresher courses.

What Makes a Successful Corporate Training Program?

Priority Management has received feedback that successful workshops have relevant content that aligns with attendees’ needs and the processes of their organisation. Testimonials highlight that our courses are presented creatively and are goal-oriented, so everyone feels they are developing with each workshop. These courses are great for encouraging improved teamwork among colleagues, too.

Likewise, our training course presenters are excited about making professional development seminars engaging for attendees and worth your company’s time and money. A manager’s input in the session also helps teams get the most from the training.

Moreover, the post-training support allows for tips and advice from facilitators to continue their growth journey after the course is completed.

training support over the phone

Overview of Priority Management’s Corporate Training Programs

From technical skill development to interpersonal skills, Priority Management has all your corporate training needs covered.

  • Time Management — We provide tips and insights on maximising your time using the Microsoft Office suite and Google apps and staying on task during meetings and presentations, whether online or in person.
  • Project Management — Wasting money, time, and resources to execute various projects and campaigns? Priority Management follows the Department of Education’s requirements to develop nationally recognised project management workshops, diplomas and certificates that will be a game changer for your business.
  • Customer service — We provide customer service training for organisations that value the significance of providing personalised customer service care and experiences.
  • Negotiating — All types of communication in a company come back to influence. Whether it’s advancing your team’s ability to offer a customer a suite of solutions rather than a single product or service, account management, territory management or prospecting, our team can provide the solution.

Start Your Training Today

With additional training to empower and improve your employee’s workflow, you can stay ahead of the curve, show appreciation to your team, and improve your company’s productivity.

Find the course that suits your team, email or call us on 1300 187 203 to make an enquiry today.

Priority Management is more than happy to help resolve any problems or answer any questions to facilitate the corporate training you desire.

We offer training for existing project managers, staff, professionals, and individuals throughout Australia, including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Darwin, Newcastle, Canberra, and Adelaide. Alternatively, you can access our training online wherever you’re located.