When it comes to developing better time management, it can often feel like there are so many soft skills you need to learn. Maybe you feel you could work on your planning, delegation, priority management, and so on. Or you may think to try out structured strategies you’ve come upon in books or online, like the Eisenhower Matrix or the Pomodoro timer. Maybe you’ve run across other set methods, guidelines, or processes aimed at improving time management skills and maximising productivity. You might even sign yourself up for a few time management courses for some professional guidance.

In our current times, however, it can be equally helpful to be aware of just how much handy technology is out there and how it can help you get things done. From specialised calendars to timers to apps that play special music that claims to stimulate brain activity, there’s no end of helpful and effective time management tools to choose from. To start, the list below gathers some basic but powerful essentials that you can trust to carry you smoothly from clock-in to clock-out.

Calendar, Diary, or Daily Planner

It may seem like a no-brainer that most anyone needs a calendar to stay on top of their schedule, but it’s also important to think about how you actually use it on the daily. For instance, most people use their calendars exclusively to keep track of meetings or appointments. There’s so much more that your calendar can do for you, however, if you only think outside the box a little.

Remember, a calendar is a tool that’s meant to give you a comprehensive view of a particular day, week, or month. Try to write down everything you plan to do in it, whether or not these tasks are bound by external deadlines. You could even sit down to plan your weeks in advance—say on Sunday evenings at the latest. Maximise your use of your calendar and you’ll soon find yourself getting better at organising your tasks into manageable chunks of time.

Task or Project Management Software

A calendar aims to give you a bird’s-eye view of everything that needs to be done within a particular day or week. A task management app, meanwhile, will enable you to further break down your jobs or projects into their component tasks. It will also help you identify your priorities when it comes to accomplishing those tasks, and track your progress as you go through them.

In choosing the right task manager for you, one important consideration is the type of view you prefer. Some task managers, for instance, offer a list-based interface on which you can note down everything you need to accomplish for that particular project. Others are structured like boards on which you can pin cards or attach post-it notes to represent each task. These list items or cards can then easily be reordered, as you accomplish your tasks, or as your priorities change throughout the working process.

Naturally, which view you use depends on your specific working style and preferences. Some apps even offer both, if you’d like the option to switch.

Time Tracker

One of the most fail-safe ways to be more productive is to keep a detailed record of how you’ve been spending your time. A good time tracker will do this for you by accurately measuring the precise amount of time it takes you to complete each of your daily tasks. You can then draw informed conclusions about how you spend your time that will enable you to manage it more efficiently.

For instance, if you see that certain tasks regularly demand the most time out of the workday, you’ll know to structure your schedule to accommodate them more comfortably in the future. Tasks that you consistently accomplish quickly can be slotted into your free hours, leading to a more seamless workflow throughout the day. As a bonus, many time trackers also offer automated solutions for processes like invoicing and generating financial reports for greater convenience.

Note-Taking App

The versatility of note-taking software has truly helped it stand the test of time as an essential productivity solution. A good note-taking app will help you record essential information on the go, as well as organise it for easy referencing later. Some tasks for which your notes app will undoubtedly be invaluable include, but aren’t limited to, the following:

  • Taking down the minutes of meetings,
  • Compiling research articles and references,
  • Brainstorming, and/or
  • Writing down personal reflections, points for improvement, and long-term goals.

Look for a notes app that comes with pre-made templates that you can utilise for different purposes. Even better, choose a notes app that allows you to make your own templates on the fly. It also helps to use software with cloud storage enabled so that you can sync and access your notes across various devices for maximum convenience.


Distraction is the enemy of productivity, especially when it leads to extended periods of procrastination. Considering how much work we do on computers—and especially on the internet, where all sorts of distractions abound—it might be worthwhile to invest in a tool to keep you focused. Some apps out there, for instance, turn working into a fun challenge by rewarding you with in-app achievements for maintaining your focus for set periods. You could also pursue a more aggressive approach and invest in a blocker for unnecessary apps and websites during working hours.

As you explore the vast variety of productivity apps and other digital solutions out there, remember that your greatest priority should be making your tools work for you. Sure, it can be tempting to install ten different widgets at once, only to find you never use them later. It might ultimately be more helpful, though, to choose just a few that you really see yourself utilising to the fullest.

All in all, prioritise looking for apps or products that will work in tandem with your particular process, needs, and goals. In the end, you may just surprise yourself with how much more productive you can become. Remember: use these tools to work smarter instead of harder!

Browse time management courses with Priority Management today.