Have you heard of the WorkingSm@rt framework?

This method gives you a structured approach to enhancing your productivity and managing your workload more efficiently through the power of popular Microsoft tools.

As a modern professional, you’ll have the right strategies to prioritise tasks, manage your emails, and optimise your meeting times to streamline your daily operations.

When you adopt the WorkingSm@rt framework, you and your team can improve focus, reduce work-related stress, and achieve a satisfying work-life balance.

Want to learn more? Let’s take a closer look at the WorkingSm@rt journey!

Understanding the WorkingSm@rt Principles


Mastering the art of prioritisation is at the core of the WorkingSm@rt framework.

By learning to clearly distinguish between urgent and important tasks, you can allocate your time and resources much more effectively. This will let you focus on the tasks and activities that truly bring you closer to your goals.

Tools like Microsoft Outlook will help you sort and prioritise your emails and tasks to make sure that all of your deadlines are met as efficiently as possible.


Effective communication is essential for streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity.

The WorkingSm@rt method emphasises clear and concise communication. That means no more wasting time on miscommunications and unnecessary meetings!

When you use Microsoft Teams for real-time collaboration, all relevant team members can stay aligned and informed. It’s all about minimising excessive communication and maximising productivity.


Time Management

Effective time management is the underlying principle of the WorkingSm@rt method.

It involves strategic planning and using technology to shield yourself from common time wasters. You can use time management tools to track your progress and adjust your plans accordingly. This will make sure that your projects move forward smoothly and that you meet your goals.

With Microsoft Outlook, you can schedule tasks and meetings to help you make the most of your workday.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing WorkingSm@rt

1. Setting Up Your Workspace for Success

Create an environment that fosters focus and efficiency.

Organise your physical and digital workspace to minimise distractions and streamline your workflow. Make sure that your necessary tools and software like Microsoft Outlook and Teams are readily accessible and properly set up.

You can organise your desk and computer for easy access to your frequently used files and applications. Adjust the settings in your software and devices to support your work preferences and needs.

2. Prioritising Tasks Using the ABCDE Method

The ABCDE method is a simple but very effective way to manage your tasks.

Classify tasks based on their importance and urgency, helping you focus on the things that truly matter.

  • A (Very Important): Tasks that should be done ASAP.
  • B (Important): Tasks that should be done after your A jobs are completed.
  • C (No Major Consequences): Tasks that should be done only when your A and B tasks are complete.
  • D (Delegate): Tasks that should be delegated to someone else.
  • E (Eliminate): Tasks that can be safely removed from your schedule.

3. Managing Email Effectively

Manage your inbox to keep communication clear and stop it from becoming a distraction.

You can use features in Microsoft Outlook to sort, prioritise, and respond efficiently. Set specific times to check your emails throughout the day. This will help you maintain your focus when working on other tasks.

Make use of your folders and rules to automatically organise your incoming emails. Once they’ve been set up, everything will fall into place!

4. Delegating Tasks Effectively

Enhance your productivity by delegating tasks to the appropriate team members.

Identify tasks that others can handle using the ABCDE method. From there, you can provide clear instructions to make sure your chosen professional has a proper understanding of the task at hand.

When delegating, you should consider the skills and workload of your available team members. Use tools like Microsoft Project to assign tasks, track progress, and communicate your expectations.


Tools and Resources to Support the WorkingSm@rt Framework

Software and Apps for Enhancing Productivity

Through the power of technology, you can enhance your productivity and streamline your workflow!

The WorkingSm@rt framework integrates seamlessly with Microsoft’s suite of tools. You’ll use the apps to efficiently manage your tasks, emails, meetings, and more.

Success Stories Using WorkingSm@rt

The WorkingSm@rt program has transformed the daily routines and productivity of professionals across various industries.

We’ve pulled together these testimonials to show you the real-world impact and key takeaways from professionals who have experienced significant improvements in their workdays.

Sean Green — Vice President MINI Region for BMW

Sean highlights the transformative power of the WorkingSm@rt program in his teams, emphasising the potential of mastering Microsoft Outlook to manage workloads and reduce stress.

His teams reported feeling more in control and less stressed by learning to manage their emails and calendars more effectively. This training did more than boost their productivity — it promoted a happier and healthier workplace.

Femke Berkhoff — TSE & Viral Safety Expert at Janssen

Femke describes the training as a “life changer”, noting that the structured approach to managing priorities and time significantly enhanced the team’s ability to meet deadlines and maintain organisation.

Gerry Collins — Global Platform Leader for Janssen

Gerry reports an array of benefits among his leadership teams, with productivity increases of at least an hour per day.

WorkingSm@rt’s standardised approach to email management allowed his teams to manage their “email nightmare” much more effectively.

Brigadier-General John Alexander, OMM MSM CD — Director General Air & Space Readiness for Royal Canadian Air Force/Canadian Armed Forces

John attests to the lasting benefits of our WorkingSm@rt courses, including Outlook, OneNote, and Teams.

He says that the real value lies in the strategies you can use to cut down on time wastage and manage your communications more effectively.

Key Takeaways from Our Testimonials

  • Mastering email and calendar functions can significantly reduce stress and increase control over daily workloads.
  • In corporate settings, efficient email management is crucial for handling high workloads and improving team efficiency.
  • Adopting structured methods for time and project management can revolutionise your personal productivity.
  • Effective time management is critical for meeting strict regulatory timelines and maintaining project integrity.
  • Using consistent email strategies across your organisation’s teams can lead to huge productivity gains and a more controlled work environment.
  • Uniform email handling and prioritisation result in better collaboration and efficiency.
  • Long-term use of structured email and digital management strategies can alleviate stress.
  • Efficient digital communication and management are essential for operational readiness and personnel coordination.


Empower Your Productivity with WorkingSm@rt

The WorkingSm@rt framework gives professionals the tools and techniques to enhance their productivity, streamline communications, and effectively manage their time.

By embracing these principles, you can seriously improve your workday efficiency, achieve a balanced workload, and reduce your stress!

Now is the perfect time to take control of your professional life and start using these transformative strategies.

Explore Priority Management’s courses for professionals to fully embrace the WorkingSm@rt method and elevate your performance. Take the first step towards a more productive and satisfying work life.

Reach out to us today for more information!