When it comes to email services, the untrained eye may not notice any striking difference between Microsoft Exchange and Outlook. As they both offer similar email hosting and calendar services, many people confuse the two apps for each other, especially if they’re still learning how to use Microsoft Outlook and Exchange. But with a closer look, you’ll see that they have distinct qualities that may make one more suitable for your needs than the other.

If you want to learn more about the two services and how you can make the most of them for your business, read on.

Microsoft Exchange

Microsoft Exchange is an email service that is most used by businesses and academic institutions. It keeps email in sync between the server and the end-user. Apart from delivering emails, Exchange can be used to keep a global address book of contacts, manage one’s calendar, schedule meetings, and manage tasks.

Microsoft Exchange can be used together with any email client, though it is most often paired with Microsoft Outlook. You can gain access to Exchange when you subscribe to Microsoft Office 365 for Business, the brand’s collaboration and productivity suite of apps.

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is an email desktop client that’s mainly used to send and receive emails. To use Outlook, it must be connected to a mail server using protocols. This client can also help users manage tasks, calendars, and contacts via a single interface. As with Exchange, Outlook is also included in a Microsoft Office 365 subscription.

Microsoft Exchange and Outlook’s Unique Features

Though both Outlook and Exchange provide email and calendar services, they have distinct features that set them apart from each other.

  • Core Features

At its core, Microsoft Exchange is a dedicated network resource management program that can be used with other email clients apart from Outlook via transmission control protocols. It’s also a cloud-based service, which means you can access it from any device that’s connected to the internet.

On the other hand, Outlook is essentially an app that can be used with other mail servers such as Gmail and Yahoo. The Outlook desktop app also locally stores your data on your computer in a Personal Storage Table, also known as a PST file.

  • Security

When it comes to security, Outlook can filter spam emails and direct them into the junk folder. By contrast, Exchange offers far more in this department. For instance, Exchange admins can filter messages based on corporate policies or government regulations, ensuring everyone in the organisation remains compliant.

In addition, Exchange’s anti-spam and anti-malware protection can immediately eliminate threats before they have a chance to get to the corporate firewall. In fact, Exchange can protect you from all known viruses and almost all incoming spam messages.

With Exchange, you also get protection against data loss. Since Exchange places all emails in one integrated database that is backed up periodically, you won’t have to worry about losing important emails or contacts.

  • Collaboration

Outlook allows you to create and manage different groups of contacts. In comparison, Microsoft Exchange offers many more tools that can support deeper collaboration and team organisation. Exchange admins have the option to create and share resources, contacts, or subgroups. They can also control individual and team permissions at a more granular level.

  • Performance

One thing Outlook has over Exchange is its professional, seamless, and user-friendly interface, making it a more appealing option for most people. Apart from installing the app on your desktop, you can also access Outlook online through a web browser or mobile apps on either iOS or Android devices.

Microsoft Exchange, on the other hand, can look much more intimidating for new users. It may take newbies some time to get used to its dashboard full of different tools and options. That said, Exchange can offer its users much more customisation and flexibility down the line.

When Should You Use Microsoft Exchange or Outlook?

For small to medium businesses, Microsoft Outlook has more than enough tools for their needs. Because it’s free and easily accessible from a variety of devices, it’s also a good choice for individuals who are just getting started with their own businesses.

On the other hand, growing businesses and larger organisations may want to consider investing in Microsoft Exchange instead. Exchange can support many users, and because it’s a scalable solution, it’s easy enough to add or remove users whenever necessary.

Since Exchange is a secure server, organisations that handle sensitive data—such as academic institutions, public sector offices, and large enterprises—can greatly benefit from using it. In addition, Exchange is often designed from the ground up based on the server requirements of each organisation, allowing for flexibility in the kind of back-end system your business needs for emails, calendars, and tasks.

All businesses need the right tools to ensure their growth, including robust email and calendar services like Microsoft Exchange and Outlook. But because they can seem so similar at first glance, it can be difficult to decide which one will work best for your organisation. Once you have carefully considered the unique features of either option, try to weigh the pros and cons of each. Perhaps you may even conclude that the best way to maximise them is to use them in conjunction with one another.

Do you want to learn how to use Microsoft Outlook? Check out Priority Management Australia’s courses today.